Meet Mr. Stuart Eaton

Stuart is a general surgeon based in Ballarat Victoria who specialises in laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery. Since completing his training at Melbourne University in 1998 Stuart has gained further experience at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute as well as from working in the UK.

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New patients or patients with a referral older than 12 months will require a new referral from their General Practitioner

If surgery is required this may be performed in the rooms if for a minor skin lesion or at any of the hospitals in Ballarat including the Ballarat Base Hospital, St. John of God Hospital and Ballarat Day Procedure Centre. Please note that obesity surgery is only performed at St. John of God Hospital at this stage.

Conditions Treated

  • Obesity and metabolic related disorders
  • Hernias using laparoscopic and open surgical approaches
  • Thyroid disease including goitres, nodules and cancers
  • Parathyroid disease using minimally invasive focussed approach
  • Gallstone disease
  • Adrenal disease using anterior laparoscopic approach
  • Spleen removal for haematological disorders and cysts
  • Upper gastrointestinal disease including reflux, swallowing disorders and oesophageal and gastric cancers
  • Breast diseases including cancers with preference for breast conservation and sentinel node biopsy where indicated
  • Skin excisions including cancers and melanoma as well as sentinel node biopsy and node clearance where indicated