
To Make an Appointment

Our current practice is to make appointments for you by phone contact. We can arrange to send a reminder SMS to a mobile phone the day before your appointment.

What to Bring

To be able to claim some of your appointment costs from Medicare or your health fund if this applies you will need a valid referral from either your General Practitioner (referral valid 12 months) or another Medical Specialist (valid 3 months).

This can be either sent by your healthcare professional electronically or by fax or you can bring it on the day of your appointment. Make sure you also bring your valid Medicare card and Health Insurance card as well as any concessions cards/ entitlements you may hold.

Please also bring any relevant test results including any CD’s of Xray/CT scans etc as well as a list of your current medications and allergies. The availability of this information allows us to provide you with the best possible diagnosis and care of your problem.

Costs and Payment

Please feel free to enquire in relation to expected costs for your treatment at the time of making your appointment. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer these questions.

Please have ready any information relating to any concessions such as pension cards, healthcare cards and veteran affairs benefits to allow us to provide the most accurate response.

The payment for your consultations at the rooms is expected on the same day. Arrangements for payment of surgery-related costs and out-of-pocket expenses can be discussed with you at the time.